Saturday, July 25, 2009



I lived in a world of lies.

And so, I wore a mask today.
Hoping that it would hide all emotions.
Hoping to numbed those feelings.
To shadow them away,
The slightest clue, the minute hint,
Perhaps, everything.

It had not been raining for quite a while.
Until today.

They said that one will grow stronger with time.
I doubt I’ll ever will.
The emotions, greater than what my heart is able to contain.
The burden, heavier that what I can shoulder.
No one told me it was going to me like this.
No one told me that I was to be less human.

I do not want to get used to seeing this,
To get used to being less emotional,
To be accustomed to seeing illnesss, disease, deaths and loss,
When hopes shattered, love is lost,
And we could not even say that we had done our very best,

I learnt 3 new words:


  1. hey... don't give up...
    go watch God Hand Teru japanese ER series...

    it shows a doctor with the capability of saving lives... no one died in his hands... not even once.

  2. Hey shinyin

    Be strong......I guess seeing disease, death , illness are part & parcel of being a doctor...As you said, doctors are humans as well & not God...I think you'll be a good doctor & specialist in time to come...

  3. i agree with u.... since my clinical, i think i had become less human.
    i grew up thinking that this is the most pure n saint job in da whole world.
    but sometimes we even laugh in front of a dying patient (maybe u r not like dat)
    but we can't let our emotions ruin our life. the patient's family may mourn after dead. but we must keep working. there are lots of ups and downs in a doctor's life. and it is crucial to keep our strength.

  4. shinyin dear, did you cried again?
    be strong girl... don't let work take over you..
    you have a long path ahead...
    you are stronger than you think...
    don't let it rain again ya...
    i'll bring out the sun... ^^


dear friends, firstly, thanks for leaving your comments.. they are very much valued :)

secondly, do remember to leave your name =)
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Author's Note

Dear friends and readers, Thank you for dropping by and leaving comments/ shoutouts. More importantly, thank you for being there... please accept my apology that, lately, i may be busy with work and not have time to reply youir messages/comments, but rest assured, each and everyone is read, and highly appreciated :) have a nice day! ^^

of love

Today, i heard a story which was not a story of falling...
of living in the dark end of winter turmoil..
instead, it was a love story..
of a couple who did not live happily ever after...
but they live, loving each other..